أي نعم ، توك توك اللي نشوفوهم في الأفلام
الهندية قريبا في تونس ...
قالك يا سيدي هذا حل من الحلول العاجلة ألي
طلعت بها حكومتنا البهية ، لمساندة اقتصادنا التاعب في محنتو و التعجيل في إنتحارو
!! ها الحال فعلوه بالوقت و بداو في الإجراءات اللازمة .
باش يجيبولنا 21 ألف توك توك ، توك توك يحك
في توك توك ، هاذم يا بابا كادو من الدولة للعاطلين عن العمل بعد مشاركتهم الفعالة
في جني صابة الزيتون ، و زيد فرصة لتوفير ما يقارب 30 ألف موطن شغل ، هاوكا واحد
يسوق و واحد يدز ... أما ردوا بالكم ، هاذم راو متع هزان سلعة كهاو مش
عباد ، باش منعملوش مشاكل مع جماعة التكسيات و غيروا ...
هاوكا زابا عمللكم قناطر و كبرلكم في
الكياسات ولو يهز زوز شبيك ، متفرهدين مفماش أكسدونات ، و عامكم الجبالي جابلكم هل
وسيلة السحرية باش يسهل الحركية التسويقية للنهضة في فترة الإنتخابات ... قالوا 30
ألف موطن شغل !! و هو فما جبالي يصطاد لربي !!؟
تي حاصيلو ، مكاسب الثورة اللي حلمنا
بيهم طاروا كما طاروا الجميعة لدبي و كندا ، ماشي في بالنا باش نتطورو
و نوليو كما تركيا ؛ حرية، ديمقراطية و بلا بلا بلا ... أما باش يشيخوا فيها كان
محبي الأفلام الهندية ، هوكا على قريب باش توليو تعيشوا في قندهار !
Alors que nous fêterons dans quelques jours le deuxième anniversaire
de la fuite du tyran, la Tunisie vit au rythme des scandales et des
crises. Crises institutionnelles et crises politiques sont devenues,
depuis quelque mois, le quotidien du paysage politique tunisien. À
preuve, la constitution qui tarde, pas de date de prévue pour les
élections, et l’exaspération qui fait rage à Seliana puis à SidiBouzid
ces dernières semaines. La crise de confiance politique dans laquelle
s’est enlisée la Tunisie ces derniers mois, a nul doute atteint son
paroxysme avec le derniers bras de fer entre le gouvernement et l’UGTT à
la suite des évènements du 5 décembre 2012. Cette crise politique
semble être caractérisée par l’accentuation de la crise de société
précédant la phase de transition démocratique et renforce chaque jour le
dysfonctionnement des instituons. Les politologues les plus alarmistes
nous parlerons d’un «risque d’obsolescence institutionnelle» qui nous
risque de mener à l’obsolescence de l’appareil gouvernementale et plus
largement, une dislocation de l’appareil d’Etat.
Il n’y a pas de Nation sans Etat, pas plus qu’il n’y a d’Etat sans
projet de société. Et cela semble manquer terriblement aux discours
politiques dominant qui rivalisent dans la surenchère et la démagogie.
Ainsi «emploi», «investissements», «droits», « libertés», «démocratie»,
«justice» sont devenus les éléments incontournable des discours les plus
populistes et des promesses les plus farfelues, privant les mots de
leur substance. La fin (électorale) justifie les moyens (pour conquérir
les pouvoir). Nous assistons au déploiement d’une logique politicienne;
certainement pas d’une logique politique. Rappelons-le si besoin est :
la politique est le champ de chose public, de l’intérêt général. Mais
dans cette logique d’impasse, les efforts des acteurs politiques se
préoccupent à garder le pouvoir, ou bien, à le contester. Alors, comment
dépasser la crise ? Comment sortir de l’impasse ? Quelle vision et quel
projet de société pour la Tunisie ?
Il est manifeste que la classe politique tunisienne semble échouer à
répondre à ces questions sans nourrir la logique d’impasse et la
solution est peut-être à chercher ailleurs dans un univers épargné, dans
une certaine mesure, par la logique politicienne : la société civile.
Et c’est peut-être de là que «viendra le salut», comme l’affirmait le
militant Gilbert Naccache.
Et pour la première fois dans l’histoire de la Tunisie, la société
civile tunisienne voir grand, même très grand. Plus de 170 associations
et organisations ont décidé de s’unir autour d’un projet commun : Le
Projet de la Société Civile lors des assises de la Société civile, qui
se tiendront à Monastir du 20 au 23 décembre 2012. et dont le résultat
sera l’élaboration d’un projet de société global. Durant cet évènement,
les études et les recherches réalisées dans différents domaines par des
organisations non gouvernementales et des experts seront discutées et
harmonisés puis enrichies dans les différentes régions du pays. Objectif
? Aboutir à un consensus autour d’un unique projet qui sera présenté à
l’opinion publique et aux décideurs politiques.
Consolider les acquis du peuple tunisien autour des valeurs de l’Etat
civil de la démocratie du respect des droits de l’Homme et de l’égalité
parfaite sans discrimination ni réserve aucune, sont selon les
organisateurs les bases fondatrices de ce projet décliné en 15 ateliers
et et 4 thèmes : développement Economique et Social, Réforme du Système
Educatif et Promotion des Arts et de la Culture, le Régime Politique, la
Décentralisation et la Démocratie Participative, le Respect des
Principes des Droits de l’Homme et des Libertés Fondamentales et la
Protection de l’Environnement.
With the collaboration of the
Tunisian league for the defense of Human Rights, the Euro-Mediterranean Human
Rights Network and other independent associations, Tunisia launched on The 7th
of December 2012, a national, regional, Arab, and international campaign titled:
“the right of return for refugees and the accession of Palestine as a Member
State in the United Nations and specialized agencies”.
This initiative came On the
occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Solidarity with the
Palestinian People on November 29th 2012, the aim of this event as Madame Essia
Belhassen mentioned in her opening words, is to get the maximum of voices to
the United Nation demanding two things, the involvement of Palestine as a
member state in the United Nations and The right of return for refugees to
their homes (Res 194 of the security Council).
Madame Essia
“It is unacceptable, after 65
years of the occupation of the Palestinian land by the Israelian government, the
violations of human rights, the killing of innocent children and women, looting
of property and deportation of people from their homes, and here their are, the final decision of the United Nations in its sixty-seventh meeting on November 29, announcing it’s accession of Palestine as
an observer, so from non-member entity to a non-member state, it’s not enough
for us, it is time to stood up and demand for a real membership in the United
Nation and The right of return for refugees to their homes” added Madame Essia
The conference's panel
“We will not give up our dream, to
be Palestine a free state, will continue to struggle until we get our freedom, we
will take back what the Israeli enemy have been taken from us, some day, Jerusalem
will be free , and we will have the honor to invite you for a visit.” said Mr. Salman Alherfi, the Palestinian
Ambassador in Tunis in his opening words. He also expressed his gratitude and happiness
of this initiative.
Mr. Salman Alherfi, the Palestinian
Ambassador (on the left)
There was a lot of Enthusiasm in
the speeches, however, all the audience that came in even with small number (that may
be due to what happened recently in Tunisia), was motivated and loved the
initiative of the campaign.
In the end of the conference, the
Tunisian league for the defense of Human Rights distributed to every one of the
attendants a postcard, those will be distributed gradually in the whole country,
to be signed as a first step by the largest possible number of people, then
those postcards will be taken to the United Nations, hopefully to its president
M. Ban ki moon himself, as a second step towards achieving the objectives of this
The postcard distributed in the conference(face 1)
The postcard distributed in the conference(face 2)
I should also mention, that there
were a wonderful exposition of some
pictures taken in Palestine, showing how much the Palestinian people are
suffering, but in the same time they are strong, and deeply optimistic and full
of hope.
The first of May
2012, was a special day here in Tunisia, a day where Tunisian people young and
adults went to Habib Bourguiba's street to celebrate and express their joy,
anger, demands, but also hope for a better future.
I was there, but in my mind
I had a different mission, just taking pictures and show them to the world. As
I expected, soon I get there and even some meters before, you can see and feel
chills in your body, hearing the cheers and songs, thousands of people came
from different regions to share the joy of Tunisia even in those hard times
that we are in.
Happy faces, man and women,
young and adults all of them where there walking all along the street smiling,
screaming, singing, Carrying different slogans, expressing themselves, what
they want and what they feel about the government after a while from the first
I will just stop here for a
while and leave you with the pictures ...
Mai first 2012, is the day when Tunisian people will
celebrate, “the labor day”, but also the first anniversary of the establishment
of the “Union of Tunisian Workers (UTT)”.
It seems that there have been a lot of preparation for
that day, and it’s not only the UTT or the UGTT who is preparing for the event
but also there is ANONYMOUS TUNISIA, which claimed its participation in this
Anonymous's invitation
Anonymous-Tunisia sent its own message via the social
medias such as facebook, Twitter and the official blogof it, calling Tunisian
citizens, the UGTT, allrelevantorganizationsand
political partiesto mobilizetheir
baseonMay firstto takeon the streets ofTunis. The main reason of this movement from Anonymous appears
to be as a respond on therepeatedharassment and attacks from the government onthe Tunisianactivists, bloggers, andopposition figuresincludingJalelBrik, JaouharBenMbarek., Dr.Siddiki, Dr OlfaYoussefand many others, Anonymous actually promises that it won’t let
that go unnoticedworldwide.
“We intendto supportthe Tunisian peopleand support theiruniversal rightsto freedom ofspeech, pressand assembly,without violence andstate sponsoredterror.”
This is why The group had made 22 rules for such event,
the rules are to take seriously, in order to ensure an epic win and to protect
you as a citizen and a member (if you are) when participating in the event and
in your normal life.The rules to follow are:
RULE #0 :
rule # 1 and # 2 must continue to apply on the Internet.
RULE #1: Keep it cool.
RULE #2: Stay
cool. Especially if you are harassed (probably you will get that a lot). Keep
it in your mind that “You are an ambassador of Anonymous”. Although people who
seek to disrupt your demonstration, you must not lose your composure. This
could harm the protest and tarnish the reputation of Anonymous.
RULE #3:
Follow the orders of police officers above all else. Do otherwise is to
undermine the protest. Do not ask for a badge unless you are treated really
unfair, because it will anger the police.
RULE #4: Preventing the prefecture. Most
jurisdictions have rules regarding demonstration. public and / or prefer to be
informed of progress. Know the rules of your jurisdiction and abide by them.
RULE #5:
Always stand across the street from the disputed site.
RULE #6: In
the absence of a road to find another natural barrier between you and the
target of the protest. This will make it difficult for individuals hostile to
your cause to come and harass you.
RULE #7: Stay
on the highway. You can be charged with trespassing if not.
RULE #8: No violence.
RULE #9: No
weapons. The demonstration. is a peaceful event. Your weapons, you do not need
RULE #10: No
alcohol. Violating this rule can easily trigger a violation of rules #1 & #2.
RULE #11: No
graffiti, destruction or vandalism.
RULE #12: If
you want to do something stupid choose another day. Violation of these rules
during a demonstration tarnish the reputation of Anonymous, harm the
demonstration itself and make you vulnerable to the forces of order.
RULE #13:
Anonymous is legion. Never be alone or Isolated during a demonstration, You are
a target for people who want to provoke an angry reaction from you or your
RULE #14:
Organize in squads from 10 to 15 people.
RULE #15: 1
or 2 megaphones for a team. A megaphone is helpful in maintaining the overall
cohesion of a demonstration and distribution of your message. But too many can confuse the public.
RULE #16:
Know the dress code. Establish a casual dress code but seriously will help you
maintain cohesion and bring the public to take you seriously.
RULE #17:
Cover your face. This will prevent identify you from videos taken by people hostile,
other protesters or police. Scarves, hats and sunglasses, masks are not necessary.
RULE #18: Provide water bottles.
RULE #19:
Wear good shoes, that will ensure your
comfort during the demonstration. Keep in mind that the demo can often be
RULE #20: Prepare
in advance your Posters, flayers, and slogans. Make sure that signs are large
enough to be read. Also make sure that the text on your posters and your signs
is relevant to the objective of the demonstration.
RULE #21:
Prepare legible flayers, simple and precise to give to those who want to learn
more about the motives for your actions.
RULE #22:
Document the demonstration. Videos and pictures of the event can be used to
corroborate your story if the police had to intervene. In addition, the
dissemination of images and videos of your heroic actions all over the internet
will give inspiration, encouraging other Anonymous to follow your glorious
example. However, keep in mind that the success of the demonstration. is a set
of details based on the good behavior of all.
these rules at your own risk. Follow them and victory will be yours.
However , the UGTT organize a walk in Avenue Habib Bourguiba,
and UTT another walk, in the same time as UGTT but from its headquarters Street
Athens, followed by a meeting at the Convention Center, Avenue Mohammed V.
So it's going to be a big day in Habib Bourguiba's street , hope it goes without any incidents with the local police.
توا محسوب 3 شهور ملّي عملنا الإنتخابات ، إنتخابات المجلس التأسيسي ، و الحكومة تشكّلت كان ما روحنا طلعت ؛ الرئيس المؤقّت شد بلاصتو لامحالة هاو يدادي من بلاصة لبلاصة و البرنوس فوق كتفوا ... !
ودعنا 2011 و استقبلنا الكّل 2012 ، انشالله مبروك علينا الكل و خاصة على تونسنا الغالية إلي أحوالهامتحسّنتش، تي متعجبش من اصلو لا إجتماعياً و لا إقتصادياً ! خلّي عاد هذاك حدث و لا حرج !! هاو كل يوم تسمع غريبة و جماعة تطلعلك بطلعة جديدة ، و تونسبلادنا قعدت كالكورة بين الذكورة !
كل مرّة نسمعوا بإعتصام جديد في بلاصة و كل مرّة حكاية مفقودة فالبلاد ، هاو مفمّاش حليب ، مفمّاش غاز ... يا عباد راو اقتصادنا في الزيرو ، شركات سكريت ، مستثمرين اجانب هربوا ، بعد اللّي أي هذا يحك راسو يعتصم و يسكّر و يوقف بلاد كاملة ! قال شنوا حر و نطالب بحقّي !و حتى الحاكم موش هوني هاو ولا خايف على روحو و خلالكم الحرية تجري و تبرطع وحدها فيالشارع ! يا بو قلب معمل يازاكي سكّروه ، الراجل هججوه مل بلاد ، تسببولنا في كارثة بقلّة الوعي و الجهل ! 2500 خدام في ليلة و نهار صبحوا بطّالة ! ناقصة هي ؟! أما هاو قلّك عاد انشالله باش يرجع بعد اللّي لحلحو به و شوف عادكيفاه باش يرجع !
توا هاذي هي الوطنية اللي يحكيو عليها ؟ فيعوض كل واحد يشد بلاصتو و يصلّي عالنبي و يخدم على روحو فماشي ما نعديو هل العام على خير و نتعونوا حجيرةحجيرة نبنيو بلادنا و نصلحو اللي خربوه هاكالفسادالكلاب ، اللي باز راهم شايخين عاد توا وميجكش عجب راهم يضحكوا علينا وعلى حوالنا ! تي نحمدوا ربي ما صارش فينا كيما صاير في برشةبلدان أخرى. راو مشاكل بلادنا كي شعر الراس ، لازم وقت باش المشاكل الكل تتحل و برشة صبر ، صحيح للصبر حدود أما حتى كان معادش فيها و نويت تعتصم كي قدر ربّي،ما تعطّلش مصالح غيرك و توقفهم على خدمهم، و تكلّف الدولة مليارات اللي كانت تنجم توظّفهم بش تخدّم هاكل البطالة إلي يستنو بش يكلوا الخبز كيفك و ممكن حتى بالفلوس هذيك كانت تنجم تحقق مطلبك !
يزونا بالله من الأنانية و صحّت الراس راهي ماعندها وين توصل كان لقطع الرقبة ! وكان في 2011 سلّكناها و الحمد لله بشوية الفلوس الفاضلةمتع 2009 و2010 ، مالا 2012 كيفاش ؟